UFO Sightings for iPhone App

I also included an area 51 sign and a cow photo as their tradition . Enjoy!


Demo Movie

Today, I saw an article about strange lights in the sky… It’s interesting. I might add some lighting effects too. Do you have any requests to add? I’m happy to upgrade with crazy effects. Please add your requests / comment / rating in iTunes. strange-light

“Anyone for some Arctic roll? Mystery as spiral blue light display hovers above Norway” - Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1234430/Mystery-spiral-blue-light-display-hovers-Norway.html

”After 50 years, UK ministry shuts down UFO unit”  - Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5B416X20091205

By: kiichi on: