Thinkpad Ball

Playing with thinkpad ball demo movie. I was going to play SONY Bravia’s music ( in the background, but I took it out because of the copyright issue.

Copyright (c) 2006 ObjectGraph LLC, Kiichi Takeuchi, and Hiroyoshi Horinaga

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If you have a thinkpad, please try with this Warning: This program works only for thinkpad which has harddisk protection program. This program will go fullscreen mode.

How to play:

  1. Double Click RunBallPlay.bat
  2. Move your thinkpad slowly and play with the ball!
  3. If you dropped the ball, press any key to reset.
  4. If you get bored, simply press Esc or Q to quit.

Note: If you think the ball goes too fast or slow, please open RunPlayBall.bat, and change 0.007 to other value.

Now it’s bouncing!

Thanks: GetAccelerometer.exe (the program to get Thinkpad’s tilt value) was built by Jun Hirabayashi.

From this Blog entry (Japanese Only)

By: gavi on: