ObjectGraph + Studio Yumi + iPhone = Yum Memory Released!

We are happy to announce that our recent collaboration work with Studio Yumi, which is a memory challenge game, Yum Memory, the latest iPhone application and it’s already available at iTunes App Store. Yumi is a talented artist in New York, and she recently opened her gallery. ObjectGraph already scheduled multiple iPhone application series with her original character, “Yummy”.

Yumi with iPhone Yumi with Yum Memory

Yummy on iPhone Yumi is showing Yum Memory

App Store Download Yumi with Yummy Yumi with Yummy

Yummy and folks Yumi with her folks

She is widely known as Ram-chan, and she is an ex-vocal of a hip-hop duo, Heartsdales in Japan. A famous animation, Ghost in the Shell’s TV series, “Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society” featured her song as the opening music.

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By: kiichi on: