Looks like iPhone crash reports!

Just connected my iPhone to sync it and charge it (BTW the battery claims are totally false - you get may be 4 hours with wifi), Here is the screen shot.

Here is a file in the details..

Process:         Exited process [24]
Path:            Exited process
Version:         N/A (N/A)
Code Type:       0000000C (Native)
Effective UID:   0
Parent Process:  mach_kernel [Unknown]

Date/Time:       2007-07-01 19:41:17.651 -0400
OS Version:      OS X 1.0 (1A543a)
Report Version:  6

Exception Type:  00000020
Exception Codes: 0x8badf00d
Crashed Thread:  Unknown

Backtrace not available

Unknown thread crashed with unknown flavor: 4, state_count: 1

Binary Images:

By: gavi on: