iPhone Developer Training in NY City
I am happy to announce a training session for all would be iPhone developers. We are planning to start this on 23rd May and would continue to more advanced training at a later time.
In the first class we are going to go over the basics of iPhone development. The total cost of this training is $500.00 for 2 days.
- You need prior development experience in any programming language. Object oriented is preferred.
- You will need an Intel Mac with 10.5.6 (We can show you how to install XCode with iPhone SDK)
Here are some of the topics we are going to cover.
Time Period:
2 Days - 9 AM to 6 PM - 1 hour Lunch break - We provide snacks
- You need prior development experience in any programming language. Object oriented is preferred.
- You will need an Intel Mac with 10.5.6 (We can show you how to install XCode with iPhone SDK)
Here are some of the topics we are going to cover.
Time Period:
2 Days - 9 AM to 6 PM - 1 hour Lunch break - We provide snacks
Topics Covered
- Starting Points
- Xcode
- Documentation
- Forums
- Objective C
- Files (.h, .m files)
- Object orientation and syntax
- Model View Controller Architecture
- Resources
- Nib files
- Drag and drop controls
- Interface builder
- linking - making connections
- Images and sounds in your applications
- Basic UI Components
- Buttons
- Label
- TextBox
- WebView
- Programming events
- Lab Session
- More UI controls
- Segment View
- Slider
- Progress
- Activity Indicator
- Simple Call backs
- Timer
- Alert
- Memory Management
- Photo Capture and Management
- Geo Location
- Accelerometer
- Table Views and Navigation Controls
- Binding data sources
- Callbacks
- Push and Pop architecture for Navigation
- Lab Session
- Basics of Application Deployment
if you would like to attend it, please RSVP using our meetup tool. http://www.meetup.com/iPhoneDeveloper/calendar/10396196/