[iPhone Apps] ObjectGraph officially enters the iPhone FART industry today

It’s my pleasure to introduce our new product, Fart Piano, which is available for free during limited marketing campaign period. Demand of smelly apps have been increasing and there are 78 fart apps in iTunes App Store.

I thought the melody above was created by Mozart; however wikipedia points out it’s a misconception:

Many think that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was the original composer of this melody, a misconception[4] reinforced by its appearance as a “correct answer” in the original edition of Trivial Pursuit. However, Mozart wrote twelve variations for piano on the melody (Variations on “Ah vous dirai-je, Maman”), now catalogued as K. 265/300e in the Köchel-Verzeichnis.

Download Fart Piano Now!

iphone, apps, fart, free

By: kiichi on: