Happy Chinese New Year. iPhone Feng Shui Updated for Year of the Dragon - 2012!

Happy New Year!

Check your forecast with our updated FengShui app 2012 Edition.

Year of the Dragon

Gong Yi Fa Cai 恭喜發財! In 2012, the Chinese New Year falls on January 23rd in China, which occurs before the official solar start of the year on February 4th, known as Li Chun 立春 or Spring Begins. It is a powerful and dangerous year that starts fluidly; be sure to act smart and move fast. The calendar of this year is very complicated because the first new moon after the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2011 is December 23, 2012, followed by the second new moon and start of the lunar New Year, January 23, 2012 (January 22nd in Asia). This tight start indicates a “whipping” effect that will bring about strong winds and discontent. Be sure to leave the front door of your home open this evening, especially if it is facing in a beneficial direction, so that you can gather good fortune throughout the night. It is an important year to use Feng Shui, as there will be very dangerous periods during the year for which it will feel as if you are fighting for your life to survive.



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By: gavi on: