Geo Bugger - Bug, Wiretap, and Snoop Announced

You’ve measured distances and areas with Geo Measure. You’ve calculated elevations with Geo Elevation. You’ve tracked walking, biking, and driving paths with Geo Tracker. You’ve marked locations with Geo Marker. If you haven”t… seriously? What are you waiting for? Click the links and get on it!

Now we are proud to introduce the latest app in our Geo app collection: Geo Bugger. Geo Bugger allows users to bug virtually anything! Simply snap a photo of the person, animal, or object you’d like to bug. Then sit back and watch as your phone tracks your target’s every movement in real time on a map.

GeoBuggerSS1 Features:


GeoBuggerSS2 Testimonials:

“I use Geo Bugger anytime I babysit. I just snap a photo and let them run wild! Easy time, easy money.” - Jessica, World’s Best Babysitter

”I locked my keys in my truck but at least I know where they are!” - Molly, Cross Country Trucker

“I snapped a picture of Eli in that Subway commercial. Now I’m bumping into him in bars everywhere. Thanks Geo Bugger!” - Frank, #1 Giants Fan

“My son is away at college but I know exactly what he’s up to thanks to Geo Bugger. Another party like that and he’ll be taking the next flight home!” - Gregory, Dad of the Year

”I feel just like the NSA!” - Charlie, U.S. Taxpayer

“Danny thinks it’s over between us but he’ll never be able to move on. Now that I have Geo Bugger, I can visit him on all his dates. He hasn’t had one that lasted more than ten minutes in the past few months. I know he’ll be taking me back soon.” - Beth, Loving Girlfriend


Geo Bugger is coming to the App Store later this year! While you”re waiting, be sure to try our other GIS apps, Geo Measure, Geo Elevation, Geo Tracker, and Geo Marker.Check back at our website here for the latest updates on Geo Bugger and all of the ObjectGraph apps.

By: Lauren on: