Estimating the economic damages from April 1st activities in mobile markets and Computational Economics Theory
ObjectGraph Research Lab & USODESU (The United Science Organization and Domestic Environment Science Union) Group Announce Research Partnership
Since ObjectGraph Research Lab was funded for $1 million in the beginning of this year, we explored various fields in computational theory, such as distributed computing, brain science, and computational physics.
Today, we are glad to announce that we start collaborating with a non-profit reseach organization, USODESU(The United Science Organization and Domestic Environment Science Union). Dr. Sríníváská Gávínskí, Ph.D who has been researched Digestive System of Mobile Computation for 25 years and Kíchíego Tákévuruchí who is our first research fellow at ObjectGraph Research Lab (tm) collaborated to publish an article, “Estimating the economic damages from April 1st Activities in mobile markets and Computational Economics Theory”. This scholar type of article was approved and printed by Journal of Environmental Virtual Economics.
Our main focus is to research overwhelmed network bandwidth of major mobile career by false news on April 1st and creating pseudo mobile software. From the conclusion, we estimated that false news on April 1st and useless software to be deleted in 30 seconds on iPhone costs about $2.4 billion to cover additional network bandwidth, disk spaces, and CPU resource of wireless companies and contents providers (e.g. AT&T and Apple). In addition, extra 10.8 Tera Flops of CPU cycle is consumed by playing PPHBN (Post Process Human Body Noise) and RVIIMTC (Rotating Virtual Interface and Inefficient Method to Call) on mobile devices. The Analysis sction shows good agreement between Gigawatt Joule / Hour by Mobile CPU and Global Annual Mean Temperature Changes / Hour which indicates another evidence of global warming. However, PPHBN software has been know as eco-friendly product because it releases PPHBN sounds into the environment without any greenhouse gas agent (e.g. methane).
Here is the Abstract:
Estimating the economic damages from April 1st Activities in mobile markets and Computational Economics Theory
Gávínskí, Sríníváská and M. Tákévuruchí, Kíchíego
A Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Pseudo, 3820 Moscow, Russia
Institute of ObjectGraph LLC, Research Fellow, New York, USA
Received 1 April 2010; revised 1 April 2010; revised 1 April 2010. Available online 1 April 2099.
In the last few years, smartphones and similar handheld devices have evolved into fully integrated technology platforms which are used frequently and distributed widely. The useless apps (UA) may be considered as one of the worst in 2010 because of the amount of UA (102,320 apps at the moment) and the network bandwidth affected: The Internet and congestion control, while private in theory, have not until recently been considered essential. in our research, we disprove the emulation of thin clients, which embodies the confirmed principles of programming languages. In order to accomplish this goal, we argue that the seminal mobile algorithm for the emulation of gigabit switches by O. Zheng is maximally efficient. M. Dolores Garza-Gil, a, , Albino Prada-Blancoa and M. Xosé Vázquez-Rodrígueza aDepartment of Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Vigo Lagoas-Marcosende, 36310 Vigo, Spain Received 10 June 2005; revised 14 September 2005; revised 18 September 2005. Available online 19 October 2005.
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This is April 1st Joke.