Demo at Apple Store in Tokyo, Ginza

Japanese Pharmacopoeia is one of most important reference for Pharmacists and Medicine Doctors who work in Japan. You are able to browse entire Pharmacopoeia document via lighting quick search engine. Each tab represent specific purpose to get necessarily information as you need. We would like to celebrate our second app, Japanese Pharmacopoeia,  with While our first app, JP Medicine Description, is still in top 3 in the Medical category, this app is already ranked in the first page! Hiro who is our business partner will demonstrate those two apps and we will announce our new project in Apple Store in Tokyo today. For more detail, see




Japanese Pharmacopoeia is one of most important reference for Pharmacists and Medicine Doctors who work in Japan. You are able to browse entire Pharmacopoeia document via lighting fast search engine with organized index menu. Each tab represent specific purpose to getinformation as you need.

Screenshot 2010.04.03 01.37.52 Download from here

By: kiichi on: