CommunicAide Version 3.0 Update

We are pleased to announce that CommunicAide Version 3.0 is now available! Download it here from the App Store to experience all of the great updates and improvements.

Sentence Tray Upgrade

Have more control over CommunicAide with the ability to delete individual phrases in the sentence tray. Instead of having to erase an entire sentence and start from scratch, you can now tap an X on any unneeded phrases to remove them and easily create the perfect sentence.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Aug 20, 2014, 11.36.01 AM

Additional Help

Learn to navigate CommunicAide with the new instructions overlay and tutorial video. If you need help finding or understanding features, simply tap the Help button for detailed explanations and directional arrows.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Aug 20, 2014, 11.35.18 AM

New Home Section

Organize your favorite custom phrases in CommunicAide’s new Home section. This makes them more easily accessible when you first open the app and as you continue to use it.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Aug 20, 2014, 11.35.27 AM

See CommunicAide in Action

Check out this new video to see how CommunicAide is being used by real patients in schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and clinics:

By: Lauren on: