Apple WWDC08 Report Day2

Day2 started. I arrived there around 8 am before session starts. Thank you for free food and Odawalla drinks which I usually do not purchase because of overpriced healthy drinks. I will list a couple of sessions that I attended here.

iPhone Application Development Fundamentals

Basic things that we’ve already covered so far. The speaker insists to grab right idea about MVC design pattern. He also guided additional sessions to connected with this, such as Understanding ControllerView and TableView lectures. Some demo about Interface Builder to stick action and outlet. I like the concept that he explained, “Controllers are like glue to stick them together”.

Introduction to the iPhone Development Tools

Understanding iPhone View Controllers

Understanding iPhone TableView Designing Applications with Interface Builder img_6660.JPG img_6662.JPG img_6668.JPG img_6673.JPG img_6682.JPG img_6684.JPG img_6686.JPG

By: kiichi on: