Apple WWDC08 Report Day1

apple wwdc08 logo

In the morning, we had Setve Job’s Keynote session, and he announced to release 3G iPhone on 7/11 all over the world. After some break in afternoon, we had an lecture, “introduction to iPhone development” .

line of geek

This is pretty much something what they covered so far on; however, it’s helpful to catch up some tips & tricks too. I also drop by a session to understand basic usage of development tools. Another session was interesting about OS architecture. The speaker introduced framework it’s called Grand Central, which make developer easier to create multi-core compatible programs, and the model is similar to packet routing in networking rather than parallel computing model.

introduction to iPhone Development

”Welcome Reception” started around 6:30pm. There are a bunch of fine wine selections, such as Coppola and of course Beers. I took some cheese platters and vegitables to celebrate remarkable first day.

reception time

It seems that most of people joined this conference for the first time. That indicates developers are looking for solutions in this new iPhone market which we are also expecting in our future.

By: kiichi on: